Friday, 2 May 2014

The 12 Amazing Advertising Techniques That Promise Improved Revenues

internet marketing services
It has been said that advertising techniques are cheaper by the dozen, and while this may or may not be true, it does point to the fact that any one advertising technique is never as effective as a number of them put together. Using target advertising techniques, it appears that the magic number rests on 12, and for those who are ready to see their business grow by leaps and bounds, here are 12 advertising techniques that promise revenues to you and your business:

1.Probably the most popular advertising propaganda technique is the free t-shirt. No other medium is as coveted as the free t-shirt, and it is amazing how many visitors to your website you can draw - who will willingly sign up for your newsletter - if you promise a free t-shirt.

2. The second of the advertising techniques that plays right into number one is the email newsletter. Visitors should have the opportunity to opt in to receive a monthly or weekly newsletter sent directly to their email address.

3. Other advertising techniques that capitalize on the email newsletter are the email ad as well as the contest. Contests will make your newsletter email so attractive that it might just get passed around all over the country.

4. Offer prizes that further showcase your advanced advertising techniques, such as branded pencils, golf balls, or wooden spoons. Stay away from bumper stickers and hats, since they almost always will end up in the recycling bin or the goodwill store.

5. Advertising techniques that surpass the newsletter and t-shirt medium are the print ads. Newspapers are good but more targeted ads in niche magazines are better.

6. Billboards and other creative advertising techniques are for those companies that have bigger advertising budgets. When coupled with an aggressive email campaign, you will be able to further your company's name recognition.

7. Television ads are expensive but very effective!

8. Radio spots work wonders, especially if you can have a host-read ad rather than an ad you yourself put together. Listeners trust a host!

9. Viral marketing will probably test your acumen when it comes to perfecting various forms of advertising techniques, but if done properly, you will see a sharp increase in visitors to your website.

10. Sponsorship of events is always a welcome way of getting your name out, so do not be afraid to sponsor community events. For the company with the smaller budget, there is the opportunity to sponsor a school fundraiser.

11. A nationwide spokesperson search works wonders for those who might want to endorse your product.

12. Last but not least, do not underestimate the power of cute animals. If there is any way to work in a cute and cuddly dog into your ad, do it!

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