Tuesday, 13 October 2015

10 SEO Mistakes (And How To Correct Them)

This post originally appeared on http://bit.ly/1GaRmXy Easy Media Network Blog

Proper optimization for the search engines your website is a key if you want to get organic traffic from the search engines. While it is true that you can get visits from social networks like Facebook and Twitter, it is shown that one of the best sources of traffic is organic.

Today, with just a simple search on Google you will find thousands of sites which give advice on how to better optimize your content in order to achieve a better positioning on search engines.

However ... Why then many fail to position their sites even close to the first page of Google?

Here are some of the mistakes that many people make while trying to optimize their sites for search engines:

1. 301 Redirects Error - 301 redirects are used when someone is doing a link to a page of your site that no longer exists or is wrong. If someone visits your site through that link, it displays a relevant page on the site, instead of the error page. This helps the user experience and can improve the rate of rebound.

2. Use Underscores Instead Of Hyphens In URLs - When making a new website, many developers use default low hyphens to separate words, this may also be because many programming languages scripts reserved for other purposes.

Bad!! http://www.example/abc_xyz/zyz_in_abc

Well !! http://www.example.com/abc-xyz/zyz-in-abc

In the case we have a huge website, that change all URLs can be a pain, but if we have the time and inclination is worth it, but if not, to consider this advice in a future, we will have taken a step.

3. Use The Rel = Canonical On The Front Page Of a Page - Another common mistake that often occurs is found in the use of the page, where we have a number of pages and introduce the rel = canonical tag on page 2 (or any other to the back page) pointing to page 1. Use This canonical in this situation would be to block indexing of page 2 onwards.

For correct page the best option is to use the tag rel = "next" and rel = "prev". 

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